When you decide as a dealership to have content available on your website, you need to ensure that that content provides not only information but also high SEO value for your dealership’s website. While posting blogs and custom landing pages about upcoming and current models is important, local content can also provide a major advantage. Although some may think it doesn’t provide value, this article will explain why local content still matters for car dealerships.
What is Local Content?
Local content can be video, blogs or images that focus on providing a spotlight on events and businesses in the area that your dealership is located in. This type of content can be published on your website, on your Google My Business page or on your social media pages. If your goal is to attract customers from the city that your dealership is located in, then all of your content will be aimed locally. However, there is still a difference between content that is targeted locally and local content. The intent behind local content is to create a relationship with your audience.

How is Local Content Helpful for Dealerships?
Out of all the topics that people search on Google, 45% of the searches are for local businesses. Since this number is so high, it’s clear why local content can be helpful for your dealership. When a potential customer is searching for a local dealership, you’ll want yours to be in the top results. While you can use your services and available inventory to publish content that attracts local consumers, locally-focused content also can have big benefits.
For example, if you have blogs that focus on local coffee shops, events that are happening during a national holiday or any other high points of interest in the area, local readership will be led to your website. While they might not be in the market for a vehicle when reading local content that your website has provided, consumers in your area will now have your dealership in mind when they are in the market.
Top Blogging Tips for Car Dealers
What SEO Factors Does Local Content Help Your Dealership Meet?
One of the key things to remember when publishing local content is that it helps your dealership meet the top three SEO ranking factors for Google: relevance, distance and prominence.
- Relevance is how well a search matches with local listings. If you provide more details about your business and focus on matching your content to relevant local searches, your own relevancy will increase.
- Distance is how close your business is to location keywords used in a search. However, if a location is not provided in the search, Google will choose a distance based on the user’s location. If you target your local content to nearby cities, that can increase your dealership’s distance ranking factor.
- Prominence is how well-known a business is based on information available to Google. This includes links, articles, reviews and positive ratings. Local content will help increase how much information is available for Google and therefore, increase your rankings in a search.